A warm welcome

Welcome and thank you for making your way to this small spot on the internet I call mine  🙂

I am sure I am not the first and certainly not the last person who has been thinking about starting a blog for a very long while. All sorts of excuses have stopped me throughout the years – university work, work life, family life, keeping up a social life with friends, and many many more. So why now you ask? Good question… Now in my fourth and final year at university, as part of a study-unit that I am following, I need to set up a blog. Hardly the  best of motivations right? But it does serve as the necessary push to start doing something I have been postponing for God knows how long!

What will this blog be about you ask? The internet is a saturated place full of interesting finds, some of which hit home more than others. Through this blog, I would like to create a space where these ‘finds’ are collected together and pondered upon. In other words, I like to think of the blog as a space where I can stop from a busy lifestyle and reflect a bit about life and what goes around me.

I hope you will manage to find that one post which will hopefully make your day a bit brighter and your mind a bit more at peace  🙂
