It’s in the simple things…

Have you ever caught yourself thinking how the smallest thing in life – be it sipping a cup of tea next to a window with the rain splashing outside or the feeling of fresh bedsheets after a very long day – has made you feel that little bit better? The poem below struck a chord – in few words, it managed to capture the very essence of what I personally like and love. I find that a particularly good book or a beautiful piece of music can make me smile despite being angry, stressed, busy.


Research has proved that simple things do contribute to that feel good factor. Whilst doing some research for this blog post, I came across this excerpt from a book which hits the nail on its head:

“One group was told to focus on all the upbeat things they could find— sunshine, flowers, smiling pedestrians. Another was to look for negative stuff— graffiti, litter, frowning faces. The third group was instructed to walk just for the exercise. At the end of the week, when the walkers’ well-being was tested again, those who had deliberately targeted positive cues were happier than before the experiment. The negatively focused subjects were less happy, and the just plain exercisers scored in between. The point, says Bryant, is that “you see what you look for. And you can train yourself to attend to the joy out there waiting to be had, instead of passively waiting for it to come to you. – Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life by Winifred Gallagher

(read more here: The Simple Thing That Makes the Happiest People in the World So Happy)

If we only set our minds to focusing on the small things that surround us and learn to appreciate them more, rather than expect expensive or elaborate objects or experiences to give us that feel-good factor, I do believe that we can indeed help ourselves become happier. Mind you, a little indulgence here and there hurts nobody. God knows a holiday somewhere, even a short weekend break, can work wonders especially after a particularly stressful period. Or a little retail therapy, be it shopping for books, clothes, homeware, tools, whatever makes you happy, also helps alleviate a bit of tension when needed. Let’s just say that focusing on the small things contributes to a degree of wellbeing all year round. So stop and smell the roses, take time to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, read a couple of pages from your favourite book, smile to a stranger on your way to work, listen to some music, take a nap, and eat that piece of cake!


I leave you here with the hope of having inspired you to not take anything for granted especially the simple things – they have a habit of making you feel better much quicker and effectively than other more complex or expensive things can.


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