Checking in…

How is it March already??? Where’s the time going? 😳

I have been absent from the blog for a while now. Lack of so-called inspiration is one reason for this but is not the main culprit. Truth is, final year work is catching up on me and stress is building up fast. So, I find myself doing even less of what I enjoy doing and more time focused on doing actual uni work.

But, I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing 😊 How has 2017 been treating you?

Myself, I’m counting the days till summer when I can actually relax without feeling guilty for doing so 😉  Till then, lots of work (and some tears) to achieve the current goal – graduation!!

In the meantime, I try to keep this in mind:


I hope to manage to find more time to write up more blog posts. If you don’t see me around, pray for me; you’ll know that I’ll probably be at home or at the library, on my laptop, working away to meet deadlines 😉



Image credit: Pinterest/Carmen Monica

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